Be Grateful
It may not seem that way, but if you are reading this, you are a very lucky individual. Currently, you are reading this article on some sort of smart device which connects to the internet. It may be not the newest or the best or the shiniest device, but it is a device of luxury. There’s also a good chance that you own more than one of these devices. Since you have access to the internet, there’s an enormous chance that you also have access to electricity, running water, and to some sort of shelter.
Moreover, you can read this text, meaning you haven’t been afflicted by a debilitating illness that took your sight. About 16% of people on this little planet are physically disabled — meaning, you likely are without any significant limitations in your daily life. You can walk, talk, dance, and exercise. Furthermore, you can go to the restroom and wipe your butt by yourself.
What I’m trying to convey it that your problems matter. A man who drowns in a puddle is just as dead as a man who drowns in a pool. That being said, you should learn to be grateful for the fortune you have, rather than the fortune you don’t. There’s always room for improvement, but keep in mind that, your life could be much, much worse.